On Beauty
/Get out of the mirror,
get into life.
This morning, getting ready for the day, I choose where to look and my words with equal care. Age spots or beauty marks?
Gray roots or wisps of wisdom?
Do I look younger with my three favorite freshening tools --
tinted sunscreen, mascara and
red lipstick? Not necessarily.
How about happier?
Feeling lovely, even more so as an older woman, means getting your attitude on along with a heavy dose of self care. Taking the time today to wash my face, apply moisturizer, floss, rinse, brush, and rinse again. Fixing my hair, choosing a stylish outfit all adds up to being attractive in one’s own mind. The youth culture worship will continue as it ever has, but it concerns me not.
Coming back to dance in my early forties has worked wonders on my posture, and fitness level, although there remain curves in abundance. My outlook shifts further to the positive with each class, bringing grace and energy to my brain. Endorphins are the best drug ever invented.
When it comes to being a woman, I urge you to forget most of what you have been told in the past. "Step back. Be quiet. Everyone else comes ahead of me. I don’t deserve joy." Leftover guilt and shame instilled since early childhood block the path to contentment like nothing else.
I find after my morning once over, I needn’t look back. I must no longer check every reflective surface to ensure that I am up to snuff. I am. So are you.
Ground yourself each day
with simple rituals, and
then let your bright light shine on.
Fornasetti had it right. Languid looks, red lips, simply the seduction of oneself and all else.